Thursday, September 22, 2016

Keep Your Signs and Your Shrouds to Yourself

"Tressa Norne (Nan-yang Maru): "I saw the sign of Yu-lao in fire floating in the day-sky. I saw his spectral moon rise and vanish in mid-heaven. I understood. But——" And here she suddenly showed an edge of teeth under the full scarlet upper lip: "Keep your signs and your shrouds to yourself, dog of a Yezidee!—toad!—tortoise-egg!—he-goat with three legs! Keep your threats and your messages to yourself! Keep your accursed magic to yourself! Do you think to frighten me with your sorcery by showing me the Moons of Yu-lao?—by opening a bolted door? I know more of such magic than do you, Sanang—Death Adder of Alamout!"

Chapter I The Yezidee, The Slayer of Souls, Robert W. Chambers

1 comment:

  1. I apologize for any inconvenience. I'm translating into Spanish this book "The Slayer of Souls" and I think there's a mistake in the entries of your blog, where states that the girl's name is "Nan-yang Maru".

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think "Nan-yang Maru" is the name of the Japanese ship in which Tressa Narne leaves the Asian shores in the first chapter.

    The name she's given by the Mongols is "Keuke Mongol", as Sanang says in this very first chapter:

    «[...] He (Sanang) said: "Keuke Mongol, who call yourself Tressa Norne,—Keuke—heavenly azure-blue,—named so in the temple because of the colour of your eyes—listen attentively, for this is the Yarlig which I bring to you by word of mouth from Yian, as from Yezidee to Yezidee: [...]»
