Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The S.L.U.G. Zombies Game, Version 1

Zombie Hunters

I have created a game for my S.L.U.G. Zombies. Here are the instructions for creating the game board and the game rules.

What you will need:

Game Board
2 dice
10 S.L.U.G. Zombies
2 Zombie Hunters

Game Board

  1. Start by drawing a 12 inch vertical line
  2. Measure down 6 inches and draw a 12 inch horizontal line
  3. Mark the following points on your vertical line (10, 8, 6, 4, and 2)
  4. Mark the top of the vertical line north and the bottom of this line south
  5. Mark the left and right horizontal lines accordingly
  6. Drawing a 6 inch line dividing each quarter and mark these points NE, SE, SW, and NW
  7. Starting at the 12 inch mark, draw a circle at each point (12, 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2)

Game Rules

  1. Place your two zombie hunters back to back within the 2 inch circle
  2. Place your zombies around evenly on the 12 inch circle
  3. Roll a die to see who will go first:
    1. If the zombies go first, they get to move one inch
    2. If the hunters go first they get to shoot at the zombies. One of the hunters has a double barreled gun and the other has a set of guns, so they get to roll 2 dice. The following dice rolls indicate the following:

Zombies from 12 to 6 inches:













A 1 will always indicates a miss and a 6 a kill. A 2, 4, or a 5 are hits. If a zombie is hit the zombie is moved over one point to the right and loses their ability to move on their next turn. Use some type of marker to indicate a hit.

Once the zombies get to the 6 inch mark the scoring changes:













With the exception of the additional chance for a kill it works just like it did above a 2, 3, or a 4 is a hit, the zombie is moved one point to the right and loses its next turn.

If and zombie makes it to the zombie hunters, that is to the 2 inch circle, the hunters get 1 last shot (1 dice). A 1 is a miss, a 2 is still a hit, and anything from a 3 to a 6 is a kill. If any zombie is still “a live” at this point, the hunters have become infected, the game is over.

Special Note: I suppose it is pretty obvious, but you will probably want to shoot at those zombies closest to you. Shoot at zombies in front of you. If all the remaining zombies are located on one side both of the zombie hunters can fire at these zombies, but not until then.

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